Writing for Success

Structure and format

Improve the structure, clarity, and format of business writing.

Content and nuance

Improve the content and understand the nuance of business writing.

Tone and clarity

Write complex documents that convey your message in a way that convinces and persuades.
International business professionals often struggle with word choice, grammar, punctuation, structure, content, and conciseness. Surprisingly, most writing issues can be improved by focusing on tone to convey your message in a way that convinces, persuades, and informs your audience clearly and quickly.

What's included?

  • 9 online modules
  • Self-paced videos
  • Knowledge checks
  • Resources
  • Summaries

Why take this course?

You will learn how to write documents that convey your message in a way that convinces, persuades, and informs your audience clearly and quickly. After taking you will be more confident, clear, and professional in business writing.

More value 

Enrich your learning experience when taking other Communicate for Success online courses or scheduling private sessions, targeting your specific speaking needs or challenges.

Enrich your learning experience with private sessions. Save when enrolling to two or more sessions.

Writing for Success

Meet the instructor

Bina Dugan

I'm a communication coach with 25 years of training and coaching experience in pronunciation, speaking, writing, and presentation. I work with international professionals who have been identified as high achievers and fast-tracked by their companies. I assess their language skills and make suggestions on how to sound more proficient, utilize more concise and direct ways of phrasing ideas, and think about their audience.   
Patrick Jones - Course author
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